Media Information
The ReliaQuest Bowl is now accepting requests for working media credentials for the December 31, 2024 game. Please contact the bowl office for the link to apply. Requests should be made by your sports editor/director.
Be advised that submitting a request does not necessarily guarantee approval. The ReliaQuest Bowl reserves the right to revoke any credential and it must be surrendered upon request.
Requests must be received by our office no later than Thursday, December 19, 2024.
Sports editors/directors and/or photography editors need only complete ONE APPLICATION PER MEDIA AGENCY. They can request working media credentials for all members of their agency in a single application. When submitting the application, the sports editor/director and/or photography editor should list him/herself as the "contact" and register media members assigned to cover the 2024 ReliaQuest Bowl as "attendees." If requiring credentials for him/herself, the "contact" will need to be added as an "attendee" as well. Please note that you must click on the "finish" button on the final page to complete your request.
No credentials will be mailed. All credentials must be picked up in person at the Media Hotel Press Room during Bowl Week (December 26 from 3:00-5:30 p.m.; Dec. 27 8:30-5:30; Dec. 28-29 10:00- 5:30; and Dec 30 from 8:30a.m.-5:30p.m.) or at the stadium press gate "will call desk" beginning at 8:30 a.m. on game day. Individuals may claim all passes issued to his/her media organization prior to game day, but must show photo I.D. and be responsible for proper distribution. Note that credentials will have the users name printed on them and are non-transferable. Credentials will not be replaced if lost or misplaced.
Your request will be confirmed via email once approved or denied. If you do not receive confirmation within 72 hours of your request or by December 21, contact the bowl office.
All credential holders must present photo I.D. (Driver's license, passport or other government issued photo I.D.) AND must be on the press gate security list to gain access to the stadium. All bags will be searched and tagged.
FACE COVERINGS ARE REQUIRED for all media when working in Press Box or Field Level Media Rom except when eating/ drinking.
Credential requests will be considered only for authorized full-time, salaried representatives. All freelance personnel requests for credentials must come from the agency hiring that individual. Having been credentialed for other bowl games does not automatically qualify an agency or individual for credentials.
Parking passes are limited and will be prioritized based on need and priority at the discretion of the bowl.
Credential Priority Policy
Subject to limitations of space, Media credentials will be issued in accordance with the following priority guidelines:
- Institutional photo/video & news.
- Press and media agencies which have staffed all of the participating school games throughout the season as certified by each institution's Sports Information Director.
- National and regional media agencies which are considered legitimate sports reporting agencies or outlets with full-time paid staff members covering sports events. This includes national TV networks and regional cable networks, national daily newspapers, and weekly/monthly publications with a circulation of at least 500,000, and national wire services.
- Press agencies from the Tampa Bay region with a minimum daily circulation of 100,000.
- Television stations with a full-time sports director and a daily sports broadcast.
- Official Web Site of the ReliaQuest Bowl and the participating team athletic departments, and online services of a national TV or cable network or national publication with a full-time staff (ESPN, Sports Illustrated, USA Today, etc). No online service will be allowed "real-time" transmission of the bowl game without written permission from the ReliaQuest Bowl.
- An online entity not associated with another press agency that covers college football and/or the participating teams on a daily basis with full-time paid staff members (Bleacher Report,, The Athletic, etc.).
- All other media on space-available basis only at the discretion of the Bowl PR director.
An online service that is recognized as an outlet intended primarily for the purpose of delivering news related to the recruitment of student-athletes does not qualify for credentials.
Special Note on Photography/Television Requests
Sports Editors / Directors should request all photography/TV credentials for their agency. Most photo agencies will be limited to two (2) credentials unless a special need is shown. AP and agencies from the bowl market are limited to four (4) photo passes each. Top priority for photography credentials will be given to agencies requiring immediate news coverage. Photographers must remain behind the broken yellow restraining line from the playing field when shooting.
"TV Camera" and "Photo" credentials allow photographers access to the sideline and high photo positions. High Photo Positions are located on select club level platforms and the upper deck of the stadium and are designated by signage there. TV reporters/talent will be issued "Press Box" credentials only. Only cameramen, photographers and grips/photo messengers will have sideline access until five minutes are left in the game.
Anyone wearing a photo credential and not shooting the game and possessing proper photography equipment will be required to surrender their credential.
Ordering Telephone Lines
To order phone lines in the press box, photo room or post-game interview room contact Andrew Ramsey at Cortel Communications at (212) 886-0073 and send email to and copy This MUST BE DONE AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF GAME DAY! The bowl will coordinate with Cortel to make sure your line(s) and phone unit is located at your assigned seat or booth. There will be email service for sending final statistics. High speed wireless internet access is available in the press box and photo rooms, but all users MUST have proper and updated security software on their computers. Reporters should also be able to file from the media hotel.
Wireless Communications
All wireless communications devices (other than normal cell phones) need to be cleared IN ADVANCE OF GAME DAY through our frequency coordinator. NO EXCEPTIONS! Contact Ralph Beaver at 813-282-8612 or
Media Parking
A limited number of media parking passes are available and will be prioritized by your game-day needs. Shuttle buses from the Media Hotel will be provided departing at 8 A.M., 9 A.M. and 10 A.M. on game day to the stadium. Return shuttles to the media hotel will begin 30 min. following the game and run continuously as demand is needed. Media needing to use the shuttle to the stadium must sign-up in advance (no later than noon on Jan. 1st) in the ReliaQuest Bowl Media Center room of the Hyatt House Hotel. The shuttle will drop off and pick up outside the media entrance in lot D near 5/3 Bank Gate.
Media App & Text Alerts
A special ReliaQuest Bowl Media App will be available to all approved media. This free app will provide key information to media covering the bowl game and surrounding events including media hotel information, updated media itinerary, area maps, and game day information. You will receive an email with more information on how to access the app once you are approved for credentials.
You also are encouraged to provide your cell phone number when registering so that you can receive text alerts during bowl week. These will be reminders of key events and/or information along with updates about schedule changes during the week.